
Having issues with your order?

At TKTX Tattoo, we do our utmost to ensure you’re satisfied with your purchase. However, if you encounter any issues or are not happy with the product you received, we’re here to help and find a solution together.

Not satisfied? Hereā€™s how weā€™ll resolve it:

  • One tube usage allowed: If youā€™ve ordered multiple tubes, only open one to try the product. The others must remain unused and sealed for a return.
  • 14-day reflection period: Received your order but itā€™s not what you expected? Let us know within 14 days, and weā€™ll discuss the next steps.
  • Return unused tubes: If you decide to return the product, you can send back the unused tubes within 14 days. Weā€™ll ensure you get a refund.

Our priority is to make sure you shop with confidence. Contact us directly at, and weā€™ll assist you promptly with your issue or question.